what are its limitations and its abilities. I assume its controled by someone on ground....tells us more
what are its limitations and its abilities. I assume its controled by someone on ground....tells us more
the problem with Colfer's book is that people wanted Douglas Adams. Unfortunately he is dead.. Colfer is at his worst when it seems he is trying to write a Douglas passage. (douglas often used the book H2G2 entries to open doors to related but strange non sequiturs the books were humor loosely bound by plot.. Colfer…
I also feel like the show moves slow and would have agreed with the POV of this article BUT i have read the posts and guess what people are discussing the points raised by last nights episode. Gwen Dad is safe but needs constant care and she left the country. I do wish this would have been a 5 episode story (with a…
I was hoping that midwway through Torchwood would start to reveal some answers the action woulld build, but i believe that Mircle Day is another good 5 episode series that was streached to get 100 shows out of it.. 2 stories that moved well would have made me believe my new starz subscpition was worth the money...…
Matt Smith is the best Doctor since Tom Baker and with production values better These are the Doctors best days. The only thing that bothers e is talk that River Song will prove to be a villian. I think it would ruin the show. we know too much about River, how the Doctor felt about her death and how River was…
Im not sure why (at the end) you equate RTD and Moff as equal in the "amping Doomsday" i think your point was RTD had many more OMG doomsday episodes but you care so much about Moff's doctor & crew that we feel on edge.
Where are you Julie newmar
John Barrowmann and Moffat have bboth said they want Capt. Jack in the 2013 series, however the BBC said RTD has ultimate say since he is a Torchwood Character
distortion from time displacement, causing wibbily wobbly timey wimey effects
mcCoy and McGann have both said they want in, but McGann said he wont wear a wig
I just want River still around in 2013. Moffat has said there are still suprises and twists and others hhave suggested she is evil.. I figure she killed the doctor (at some point) but there are scenes where she is alone and still seems very much in love.. SO MOFFAT keep River in Doctor Who, keep her the sassy and…
I bought the audio book to play in the car on the way to work. I have done this with several of the books (the first few only went to audio years after they came out) at the time the early books were being put to audio Jim Butcher said, he would rather wait years than have anyone but James Marsters (spike, Captian…
How did Elba ruin Thor?? that's absurd and smacks of racism. and don't give me crap about "if it were black lighting i would insist on him being black" Spiderman wasn't exactly like the comic, Thor wasn't, these things are... alternative universe stories.. and how did Elba ruin Thor the part was small and his…
OUCH then again we are the country of "inteligent design" so maybe its deserved
my understanding is that by the end of this series "RTD (wil have) jettison(ed) the WHO connection " part of why Jack is mortal is the New Jack is imortal story
John Barrowman said working with David Tennet was a wonderful time, that David Tennet was a very generous actor. When asked about Christopher Eccleston he said, "it was very different on set (eccleston) wasnt very kind.
has anyone seen both the US and UK versions of Torchwood what are the differances
I fear when ever there is something that separates us (humans) as a group there will be racist consequences. I am sure there are people who will say that the inclusion of this DNA is why white people are superior. there are already people on this page suggesting this tiny inconsequential piece of the X chromosome…
once again it never stops amazing me how much intrest this series still attracts im not amazed by the fact that the serires attracts great intrest but rather the powers that be havent noticed
I agree my heart may stop movinng if i cant touch them and see them up close there miine damn it