
France is the first destination for international tourism. Paris (with London) is one of the ten most visited cities in the world. France also has the second largest Muslim population in Europe, many of them young and unemployed.

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

I do not agree with your last point, but I do agree with the rest of the post. Which, I suppose, is your idea in action.

Progressivism suffers so much from the whole all or nothing mentality. It’s how people managed to be so disillusioned by Obama 08 only getting imperfect advancements that 5mil fewer people came out in 12 and 5mil fewer than that for 2016.

People say stupid shit. We ALL say stupid shit. And you know what? Jezebel hot take: I actually think this was kind of funny (ducks)

It definitely feels like one. I get where they are coming from but I can’t seem to scrounge up the indignation they are looking for, it just doesn’t seem relevant.

I dunno if that means I’m biased or willing to overlook parts of people I don’t like....sigh I just don’t know.

This one tweet vs. Pence’s career of anti-woman, anti-gay legislation? Sing me up for team Brandon.

but undercut somewhat by his ominous tweet which seems to suggest St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to prey on women.

One gross tweet, 4.5 years ago. The equivalent of hocking a loogie in public, 4.5 years ago.

It really really isn’t.

Yeah, not sure why this is “noteworthy” and why someone dredged up a 4 year old tweet?

Yeah, someone’s going to have to explain this one to me because I don’t see how it’s all that bad. Is it because the girls get... Drunk? And that makes them prey? Because that’s really not how I’m interpreting this.

Only one gross tweet? Trump has made hundreds. Thousands, maybe.

but noteworthy nonetheless.

No gauntness for me. I’m eating my feelings, thankyouverymuch.

The ‘carrying out my orders’ part jumped out at me. Is this an admission that those orders were wrong?

So what’s going on with the ICC in Den Haag? Are they not pursuing action against Bush et al. for war crimes?

I’m so sorry. It’s so strange. I feel like I woke up in a different world. I walked down the street and I talked to the same people at work, but the entire time I was inwardly thinking about whether I actually ever knew them, and how much hate they had to have inside them to vote for Trump (my boss was literally

46.9%? Wtf America!