In the USA around 18 States have a law stating that bestiality is legal, so Denmark is ahead of the USA.
In the USA around 18 States have a law stating that bestiality is legal, so Denmark is ahead of the USA.
No that is not true there are plenty of people south of the border who are appreciative of celebrating the colonial/conquistador period.
She got married on a Plantation site so i am not surprised she did this.
If he wanted to test the waters he should have spoke to her before hand and asked for her consent, also i think you will find that asking for consent and talking about things is normal for many relationships.
No he will win.
Yep it is disgusting and i clicked on the one he sent me because i didn't know it was a troll.
It will not tank his career because he has so much support.
And he is expected to win in Texas.
Stop the US does not have a more evolved form of government, in fact it is the other way round.
No you are not very pro-choice because you are questioning her decision and you using terms like "killed" to describe what is going to happen to fetus. You sound very anti-choice and you need to stop calling yourself pro-choice.
No she not willing because she wants a abortion, you need to respect her decision.
Edit never mind.
It is sad and awful and i wish that she didn't go about it that way (but i understand because she very ill), if she does come out about the abuse Dan Schneider has committed so many people will dismiss it, yet there is so much evidence against him. Every adult in her life has hurt her and the press is now treating…
No what she is saying is that her Dad sexually abused her and then she backtracked by saying that a microchip made her say that. She is seriously ill and she pulled stuff like this before. However i do think that she may have been sexually abused by people in Hollywood and that her parents may have looked the other…
Yes but when Lindsay did that she didn't say "My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me". If you follow Amanda she has done things like this before and she obviously very ill, also she is not contact with her father so i…
How about you focus on how she just admitted that she lied. So she is lying and not telling the truth.
Damn you are so ignorant and offensive.
6) Israel does not have a right to commit war crimes and kill more innocent civilians than combats.
Erm it wasn't a "war "about female bodies, it was all a staged and a joke.
There is plenty of evidence that he is guilty. If it was not true why hasn't he ever denied it and why did he go back to someone who nearly ruined his reputation.