The reason why there is a US part of Daily Fail is because more Americans read it than Brits, you guys need to get your act together and stop reading and this site needs to stop using it as a source.
The reason why there is a US part of Daily Fail is because more Americans read it than Brits, you guys need to get your act together and stop reading and this site needs to stop using it as a source.
A lot of them have hinted on their twitters about the scandal by posting videos about consent or posting about it. Sam is not represented by the same PR team as most UK youtubers, but they did used to be friends with him but a while back but then they all stopped talking to him.
Um his accent is not put on and he does not represent most people in the UK seeing as everyone hates him. You are not only person in the UK that feels this way seeing as he had to move to America due to all the hate he was getting.
Sex Ed in the UK is a lot better than the US and a lot of schools do talk about consent and the laws (but it can be a lot better), so there is no excuse especially as so many male British youtubers have called them out and completely cut ties them.
It is obvious that you didn't get any facts, also you Auntie is just one person and she does not represent the actual people who suffering due to their benefits being cut.
That is not true because the teen pregnancy rate has fallen and the Tory Government have cut benefits by a lot and it ends harming the people who need it the most, maybe you should stop getting your facts from Daily Fail.
Um no but they been called out the most.
I just called him out a few posts above, he has been involved in so many scandals.
No Charlie is not involved he spoke out against them and posted a video about consent and has completely cut ties with them. He also called out Sam Pepper.
Here is information about the person who has accused he denied it but he shown a lot of fucked up behavior by dating a 17 year old and other awful scandals.
Plenty have come forward and here is a post about the girl in video, i choose to believe the victims.
Bullshit and there are other who come forward in the video he is just talking about one person, plus he started dating a 17 year old which is illegal.
He also tried to blame it on him being a Mormon.
He also recently went on reddit to "defend" himself and attack all of his friends in youtube community who dropped him.
It would be great if Jezebel could write some sort of article about it, it is not just up to youtubers like Franchesca to do something about this.
Um a lot of top tier UK youtube community have spoken out about Sam Pepper and others, they have been great unlike some in the American youtube community who have ignored a lot of American youtubers who have been accused of rape and having sex with underage girls (for example Onision, he is a youtuber who sleeps with…
And there have been other stories about normal people getting people arrested for hate or threatening speech in the UK. In the UK they do take stuff like this very seriously and it doesn't matter if you are a politician.
Um no in the UK a lot of people have been arrested for threatening speech or hate speech.
Yes because i am quoting you, don't be so stupid.
Those sources are probably paying him and in the article he said that they struggling financially due to his disability.