Yes, numbers are important.
Yes, numbers are important.
He absolutely did not float it out there to have someone else say “don’t do that.” He floated it out there because his dumb senile ass heard that cleaning products kill viruses quickly so if you just put that in your body it will kill the virus quickly as well.
Why on earth would a Chinese student want to go to the US to study Shakespeare?
Let’s pretend for a second that Trump was indeed being sarcastic as he claims (NOTE: He was not and if you believe he was, you are dumb. End of story) who in the hell thinks being sarcastic during a daily press briefing during a pandemic is a good idea?
M.I.A.’s comments are textbook using social justice to attempt to shield herself from criticism. I find it to be gross.
Ok, much more to this story than the tweet I shared, but still shows astroturfing.
Many states with Republican governors had rallies too (I live in Maryland, we had our Display of Dumbness on Saturday), but Fat Donny Two Scoops didn’t tweet about them.
We are all doomed.
I totally don’t get these people’s end game here (fast forward to the end of May when they’re all “holy shit, tens of thousands of Republican voters are dead of COVID and now a bunch of purple states are firmly blue, I guess we didn’t plan this out too well”)
I’d love to give those idiots the virus they ask for (no, not stupidity, that one they got in spades). IF ONLY they could keep it amongst themselves. My treat.
Conspiracy Theories are basically coping mechanisms for people who can’t understand or accept...reality. They provide an easy scapegoat for everything as well as bestows a sense of superiority, importance, control, and specialness to conspiracy theorists.
Yes, the world is often scary and chaotic without rhyme or…
Biden pulled in more white working class voters in battleground states like Michigan and in the recently concluded Wisconsin polls where he led Sanders by 30+ points in working class counties.
You know what’s less exciting than Biden? Four more years of Trump. Scratch that, another Trump term is downright terrifying.
Anyone else looking forward to a future that is less fricking exciting?
Biden’s running mate should particularly appeal to young, Latinx, and black voters all at once, as they are most likely to be put off by a purely Biden menu.
So is the plan to just bitch about Biden for the next 7 months then run endless articles exploring “how did Trump win” ala 2016?
I won’t dismiss the fact that Biden and Sanders both attract support from shitty people that post shitty tweets, but I would also not be surprised if a certain number of these shitty tweets are not from supporters so much as people that want to foment internecine warfare in the Democratic party and either way it’s…
This is disgusting, whoever did it.
Dr. Ben Carson is a world-renowned surgeon who may go down in history as one of the best to ever wield a scalpel.