Matt Keeley

Glad it’s not just me who was instantly turned off when I saw he was involved.

and the arbiter of cool himself, Dr. Phil

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about this message. We are older so he was like “Stupid millennials crying over the Blues Clue guys saying he missed you”. I had to call him on it and was like “Dude, If Mister Rogers recorded a message saying the same thing, you would be crying for a week”. He admitted I

Holy shit. I really like that song. I wish I didn’t know it was the theme for fucking Young Sheldon but I totally into it. 

That was sort of a proxy Flaming Lips record, but is actually really good. It was sort of the iPod soundtrack for my first day walking around in England after I started grad school, so I now associate it with extraordinarily detailed memories of wandering a new city on a perfect summer day. Thanks for warming up the

I liked the fact that Morty was using the portal gun to go and fix the messes Rick leaves behind, and not, like, to find better ways to jerk off or whatever cheap “teenage boy, amirite?joke they usually make at his expenses.

I was pleasantly surprised at how good of a job he does in Doom Patrol, seems like a real genuine dude too. Hope he’s not in too much pain from all those injuries and surgeries.

There are clips of the Kilborn Daily Show on Youtube for the curious.
But you know what seems to be sadly lost to time from the ‘90s?  Rich Hall’s Onion World.  Now that was a good guy-behind-a-desk comedy show.

Never, ever got Kilborn’s appeal. Like Maher’s smarm packed into a dude without even the stand up charisma to pull it off.

This seems like it would work much better if it played Sublime when you stopped typing. I would have a novel written before lunch.

Wait, someone wrote an app premised on someone wanting to hear more Sublime?

I give Craig Ferguson a lot of credit for asserting, way back in the early 2010s, that people should be ashamed of themselves for making fun of Britney Spears’ mental health problems and her public divorce. He was way ahead of the curve on that one, based entirely on empathy. 

Don’t gloss over the fact that Jay Leno stole alot of his bits from Howard Stern, Jaywalking was a rip off of Stuttering John’s street interviews with people, and then Jay had the balls to off and steal Stuttering John himself from Howard.

I’ve never understood why anyone liked Leno or how he was “revered” as a “legendary” stand-up comic. He always came off as an unfunny, unlikable, punching-down, smarmy dick.

Ted Danson’s character is not an unlikable moron asshole, fortunately, nor did he fail upward. It’s possible things will change but at the moment he’s presented as a decent guy who was a good businessperson, has no political experience, but is genuinely trying.

Powerless had Ron Funches though, and he is DELIGHTFUL!

For those who haven’t seen those topical comedy specials Brooker mentions, a search for “charlie brooker wipe” on youtube will enlighten you.

Absolutely, and it’s not like he’s ever really tried to hide his boredom with the promotional tour appearances. Conan’s always had a fairly regular stable of reliably entertaining guests — Your Norms, Marthas, Timothies Olyphant and Aubrey Plazas — but it’s gotta be a whole lot easier to justify booking someone Conan

*laughs at my own joke* 

So “Jay” will premiere on TBS in 2022?