
You can either take my time by making me watch ads, or take my money by billing me to watch without ads. But not both.

On the other hand, if the network restricts the usage to those with cable, they can’t turn around and blame people without cable for not watching. They did both.

If they’re going to shove a shitload of advertisements and product placement down my throat then yes, they damn well better not be charging me for it too.
But they are, and they would be, so, I didn’t watch any of it. At all.

I tried the app but then I saw you needed to have a cable provider(which I don’t) to actually stream it, so I couldn’t do it on the damn app.

Yeah, except here, the court did order that his passport be seized. So, that’s a little extreme and would not happen in the United States to a potential victim of crime. It’s a crazy reaction, one that has the sole purpose of trying to make Lochte look like a liar and the country look better. As for compelling a

Every single person I know who has been to Rio got robbed at gunpoint. It seems to be a thing there.

You can’t know what’s going on with them, though. That’s the thing. HIS career suffered no serious setbacks because of the allegations, yet guilt by association is apparently enough to tank the career his wife (who has not, as far as I know, ever been accused of rape)?? They’re not actually the same person. Meanwhile,

NBC= No Black Champions?

Nope. From the article:

Also, because the trolls are out in full force today, this picture is safe and related to what you said, I swear!

Family annihilators often kill pets. It’s not unusual at all. And there’s plenty of work gone into figuring out why family annihilators exist. That work is ongoing.

Your “arguement” is specious. Nobody is saying it is a unique situation. No one is saying it’s never happened before or in other sports. We’re just saying that SHE DESERVES THE MAJORITY OF THE CREDIT, not him. And NBC should do a better job of this instead of fawning all over him.

One of the biggest reasons almonds are shitty for the environment is that they need a fuckton of water to grow (and people insist on growing them in California). Reduce your water use if you want to feel better.

I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.

There actually were a lot of people speculating. Just because she isn’t gossip-worthy to you doesn’t mean she isn’t gossip-worthy in other circles.

The Nigerian press definitely is.