
This GIF wins everything.

You cray cray???? Nothing better than a ripe Chianti!

I know. Rum is a versatile drink with a colourful history....but gin is pure sophistication!

Except Twist is an accepted classic and goes well with certain more citrusy gins like Tanqueray. Experiment with a grapefruit twist!

So being white doesn't make one African, even though they were born and raised there? That's like saying being black doesn't make you American, even if you and your parents did spend all your life in Brooklyn.
The logic.

winning smile!

Your comments make me sad, and not because you are wrong but because they ring truth. But still.....dont paint all of us tattoo owners into meaningless hipster-hares. every day i wake up thinking what can i do to change the world. i wish you the best of luck doing it.

I work in a London cocktail bar which is a very popular A-list hangout and once she walked in, sat right in front of me and ordered a cocktail. I had to look twice to realize I'm serving the ever honourable Brienne of Tarth.

thats actually pretty amazing

I find Leibovitz to be a horrible, unimaginative photographer who is clearly more in love with Photoshop than photography. I do not understand her success.
*coming from a photography graduate quite fond of photoshop, but still trying to maintain the realness and put more emphasis on the actual camera work.

DUDE. This song is all that's been in my head for the past week. I fully AGREE!

I could pull this off. She however appears to be trying a little too hard to stay relevant.

December 25 here (yay, tomorrow!) and to be honest I enjoy telling people that and getting the "wow your birthday is on christmas day??" reaction. nobody forgets my birthday

Say what you will, if there's anybody who can make VS work it is Adriana Lima. Homegirl has been rocking it for years. Vision!

I love Jezebel because it's pro- kitten and pro- Angelina.

I was a freshie and he was a junior, but we were in different high schools altogether. It was this high scale choir competition between schools. Me, ever trying to be the overachiever (mind you, it all went downhill after the freshman year) had also assigned myself to be in a choir. I was watching some other school

I've been having SUCH a difficult time with this lately. I've been the giver and receiver of slow fade, and receiving definitely sucks. I met a guy I really liked and we had a couple of non conventional dates. Everything was perfect. We said "let'..s do this another time", sparkles flew...and then nothing. After a few

I do not know why Anna Della Russo gets hailed as a style icon. To me, she just chooses the craziest IT outfit there is (something that maybe s0meone about 2 decades younger than her would be able to explain wearing) and thats it. Wow, shock me more. Not very imaginative.

From personal experience, you can't really get addicted to "molly" (or mdma, as normal people that are not Madonna would call it). It has its moments, but usually people outgrow it. The hype is too high and the comedowns are unbearable.