
My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

Name one. Name one “deep” or “real” woman that overrated assface has written. Hasn’t been done. He doesn’t like women ergo the women he writes will never be deep or real. They are all just two-dimensional half-baked ideas and harridans. None of them has a personality or humanity of her own. Gawd, I’m so sick of that

Mama, just fucked a kid

For someone who says she loves cats, she sounds like a seriously shitty cat owner! Anyone who lets a sick cat shit all over the basement instead of seeking medical care is an awful person who should not own cats. The new cats deserve a home with a family that will take care of them. DON’T GET ANY MORE CATS, LADY!

I won’t argue that it wasn’t rude, but there was such a frantic mood about the whole thing that it doesn’t bother me? Barry and Iris were so desperate that they didn’t even stop to think about getting Joe - at least - of all people to be there with them. They’d just fought their evil doppelgängers, nearly gotten

I’m not sure what everyone has been complaining about - I thoroughly enjoyed this Justice League movie.

Glad there’s no Claire. If she was in it, she’d just spend the first 10 episodes begrudgingly patching up Frank’s wounds while making speeches to the camera about how killing is wrong. Then at the 3/4 mark when Frank suddenly has a moral crisis, she’d spend the next two episodes begrudgingly patching up his wounds

My boyfriend, Taika Waititi.

I had no idea Sean Astin would end up looking and sounding almost exactly like Patton Oswalt.

My entire life people wanted to put me in a box, and force me to choose an identity. I wasn’t white enough for white people, and not Asian or Arabic enough for Asians or Arabs. You are simultaneously exoticized/fetishized while also being rejected by either side of the family. My own parents had their families cut

Maybe a reviewer who understands text and subtext, doesnt need everything spelled out for him, warns about spoilers and DOESN’T GO ON ABOUT FUCKING MUSIC ALL THE TIME might be a better fit.

I looked up the actor playing Kemper because I really think he’s a standout performance and was so surprised to find that he looked like a giant teddy bear and goofy actor in real life. I really hope he gets all the credit for this performance.

20 years from now, when Gotham is nothing more than dust and we look back on how bizarre and pointless this show ultimately was, I’m pretty confident that Robin Lord Taylor will still be regarded as the very best part of the show. His casting was great right from the get go and the show seems to understand how great

I concur with Insect Overlord, this Kinja nonsense has spoiled a major part of my enjoyment when watching GoT. I enjoy the comments as much as the show, but sadly I have to watch this season after it was aired due to hospitalisation through the summer, and there are no comments visible for me to read now after each

I worked in a childrens’ hospital for a while, and they had “clown doctors” to entertain and cheer up the kids. Basically clowns who volunteered in their downtime.