
Ms. Ashanti Smith don’t play, keeps it real, will throw hands, and has cousins who will do likewise. You know Helena Put-Up-Your-Dukes has never been in a real street fight in her whole life. The shock of the hit must have been the most hilariously humiliating moment of her whole life. She learned that she is not

This particular criticism rings hollow.

I was in an all-white hardcore band called Gaschamber for 10 years. We played tons of shows and had lots of fans, but we could never figure out why everyone in the audience was bald and had Nazi tattoos. Our most popular song was called “Third Riker”—it was about a transporter accident on Star Trek, but those bald

Jezebel should hire you to be a guest writer, this is really good.

I was more mad about the dead animals, mostly because I think you’ve got the storytelling purposes twisted.

It’s a scale. Generally there’s a recognition that kid’s brains are developing, and it’s generally a scale about when and whether this person did develop enough to be cognizant than action was wrong and thus could be held culpable.

C’mon. We ALL know that if a sexual assault doesn’t happen:

And on Mother’s Day! It’s nice when a grown child makes time to spend the day with his mother, doing what they love to do.

I said to my wife when the bells started ringing, “What none of these idiots realize is that dragons hate bells.”

So sad to be right. :(

Dany could have ended Euron right there. We’ve already seen that those dragons can fly really high, & straight up. Those balistas can’t aim straight up, & it probably takes a while to bright them around to shoot aft. SO if she flies high, up over their heads, & comes straight down or from behind, she could light up

Because they sold it on “It’s all connected” but then said, “meh. Who cares?”

Yeah, this asshole needs to be fired and have his fucking life ruined. 

It made me pretty angry too. How about doxxing the ex, in case I ever come across him and feel a little punchy.  He sounds like a real asshole.  I bet his boss would like to know.  

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.

As a sidenote, the only true reasonable character arc of this season, for me, has been Shades, which is why I love the character and the actor so much. Shades turning his back on Mariah and even co-operating with the police to take her down both felt like reasonable consequences of what we had seen before.

A C is such a lowball for such a fun and also thrilling episode. Sure, the two sides don’t exactly mesh, but still.

Also Danny comes off as nothing but likable here. Screw all the haters.

I really liked Luke and Danny - it definitely felt like a post-Defenders episode, that these two have hung out and gotten pizza after defeating the Hand. I also thought the line about everyone has his back, and actually listing everyone made the series’ feel more interconnected. I think this might have been more

Wow Misty is a horrible cop. Like are we supposed to think she’s good at this because she breaks the rules and has nothing to show for it?

I just got kicked off of a nursing forum because someone had started a topic re: how history will judge us, and I could not believe the nurses on there defending this intentional family separation cruelty. NURSES!!! Some of them pediatric nurses!!!! I went off and they booted me. (Because you know it’s worse to CALL pe