
Lot of people on my Facebook praising them for this and the Milo Yiannopolous thing but idk, seems like they really don’t deserve any credit for *finally* taking a stand against the alt-right when they were so openly fine with the racism and white supremacy for so long.

One thousand times yes. Like terrorists, these people feed on attention, any kind of attention.

they do it in the name of “equal airtime” and “balanced reporting”. Which is bullshit. No one needs to know what the neo-nazi opinion or position is. god this shit is making so angry.

I distinctly remember arguing with my parents several years ago about the danger of giving factually inaccurate, bigoted opinions airtime in the name of being “fair and balanced” because elevating them to the same level as factual, unbigoted opinions legitimized them.

Can the media also stop trying to interview this shitbag?

It’s all window dressing as long as they support Trump and his administration.

“Dude, we’re still in the covert phase! There’s still millions of Americans willfully dumb enough not to hear the dog-whistles, we need to keep them on our side!”

“see we got rid of this guy so when we continue the school to prison pipeline you can’t possibly think it’s because of racism.”


I really hope they continue to clean their house, because right now it’s full of little ratfucking Twatwaffles. Also things have gotten so ugly on the right, that I’m happily surprised they are getting rid this guy.