
I know that. However, I will be at work when it happens. So, if I watched it, it would be online, and I don’t want to count in those viewer numbers which do include everyone watching.

I don’t, but I also won’t be at home. So, if I watched it, it would be online, and I don’t want to count in those viewer numbers which do include everyone watching.

Unless you are a Neilson household you won’t give him, or not give him, any ratings at all.

You live in a Nielsen household? Wow, that’s amazing.

Thanks for the insightful share

We need a new West Wing so we can all pretend Aaron Sorkin’s make-believe president is our real president. I’m pretty sure having President Bartlett helped me make it through the GWB years.

“Go enter the hunger games.”

I feel like I’m on the verge of disassociating and creating a separate identity just to deal with this.

Well... their bad luck might be our good fortune.

And we’ll say, “We keep telling you: the bunker doesn’t need a political blogger. Go scavenge for food.”

Trump will be president even if you don’t watch.

No thanks. I’ll be busy doing something else. I’m not giving him or that party one once of encouragement. Bad luck to em.

Google grumpy cat for hours on end

I completely agree. I refuse to hate watch it because I don’t want to give him the ratings. (I also don’t want to give myself a stroke or heart attack.)

Do not tune in at the places above at the times specified.

But in 10 years, current 14-year-olds will say this was “the defining moment that made me, no, FORCED me to become a political blogger.”

Read a book. Rent a movie. Go outside.

Any tips on how to avoid it? I’m asking for a friend.