Nah, how about a country that was condemned by the un and amnesty international for being a shit hole for women’s rights. But then, fuck his sisters, amirite dude?
Nah, how about a country that was condemned by the un and amnesty international for being a shit hole for women’s rights. But then, fuck his sisters, amirite dude?
I guess his sisters civil rights don’t matter to the family since they moved to qatar, a country the un and Amnesty international condemned for poor rights of women.
Your poor women buddies with biochemical degrees are prohibited from holding may positions of authority over men or even socializing with top male scientists out of work.
Also she is incompetent. Seriously. But then george bush jr ran several businesses in the ground before running as a businessman.
Hey dude, how are ya? Actually, when it comes to spewing hatred toward women exercising their rights, white males don’t have a monopoly. Africa, asia, the middle east, south are violent with guns and explosives to women and those who want to free them and allow them to exercise their rights.
Your comments are dismissed.
Your stupid further comments have been dismissed. You know actually reading the report I linked to earlier would be a start for you.
Dismissed take a seat smeg
Your further comments have and will be dismissed.
Hey did ja read the amnesty international link I sent ya, mr. Smegma?
They will be okay if they don’t want basic human rights and don’t mind never being able to fulfill their potential. As their brother is allowed.
You should research it but then your attitude is: fuck his sisters.
Apparently you are a dude who is totally in his muslim parents basement who buys the Muslim fairytale that qatar is a wonderland for women. But then, fuck women, amirite, dude? They are not deserving of equal rights to men, or even have a wonderful potential in science and leadership like this wonder boy.
Qatar was sanctioned by the un last year 2014 for their treatment of women in their courts.
And fuck his parents too.
His family announced they would be moving to the middle east so the boy could fulfill his potential. They are offered free tuition, gifts etc.
Fuck in Google it. They announced over a month ago they would be moving to the middle east soon.
Hahaha I fucked my sisters future over because we’re moving back to a country where women don’t have rights....because it’s all about ME.
Actually suing is not his only recourse. So far he has made the national news. Met with heads of business and state - all expenses paid, gotten gifts, gotten future tuition and now his family will move out of country to a middle eastern state where he will be a shame star to the west.
Yes. They can. And programs will be cut or ended. But hey. Maybe the Texan voters will push for more taxes to make up the shortfall. Nope. Programs and teachers will be cut.