Ariana's Side-Eye

Same to you!

And I'm not trying to be judgmental. No harm, no foul :)

For thinking that comment was rude? Well call me "judgy" it was rude

His story was ADORABLE "it could be little, like me…" *heart swell*

But consistent with the books, or martins original story/vision?

His mind was opened when he saw the red woman birth a demon shadow?
After that does resurrection really seem that big of a mental stretch?

As a redhead, I resemble that remark ;)

So anyone who disagrees is a nerd? You sound like a nice person.

Where's my lemon cakes?

It's the scene I use to sell everyone on the show

Or at least buy himself a seat on Ravigas board

Aww I really love Jared. He's my absolute favorite. Such a sweetie 💖

I used to want a romance between them.
Richard can do better.

Considering he said your "bottom legs" I'm guessing no

Monica is a bitch

I love Jared so much. He's so adorable. Even his sleep German and subtle Hitler references

The behind the episode alluded
That when Dani closed her eyes in the pit it was for a moment of peace before she died, not to summon him, even though it was the impression I got as well. I think it is implied that they (targaryan a) have a connection to their dragons and I think he could sense her trouble.

I heard a fan theory that he's really daario

I thought Trystane was to be on the boat with Mycella? I assumed he'd be Jamie's prisoner, but he was on a boat after?

Lol well in the context of the conversation the same could definitely be said of Jessa