Ariana's Side-Eye

Pumpkin pop! 💖

I think he was trying to imagine marnie to get hard and that's why he closed his eyes ;)

Hannah turned 25 when she was still with Adam, but she met marine at college and could have been a year older

I think they were 23 season 2 when marnie helps her old coworker with her new gallery. So the 25.5 seems right to me

It's all gonna end with Hannah becoming the writer she was meant to be and creating a show about her life and friends. Nice little package.

Look up his vogue photoshoot. You're welcome ;)

Or a disproportionate amount of men named Dennis are dentists. No joke

Most. It's common for unstable people to go into the field as an attempt to better understand themselves. Then again, my brother works in mental health for the VA and in order to work in that department you have to also suffer from a mental illness to have the empathy required for the job

It's weird that you feel victimized on an anonymous thread for people disagreeing with you. Maybe too much third wave feminism brainwashing?

He's a sexy mother lover

Good word! Lol Haven't used that one in a while!

What happened to his council position?

Because she is in the presence of a man. When they aren't fawning over HER she loses herself. Thus the irony in her comment about Hannah making it all about her when Jessa was really the one doing it in that situation.

Ex junky though. I fear this made him relapse

I wash hoping Fran would go full asshole and body shame her. Idk why. He seemed so mad and all his ex's had great bodies based on the photos. I guess I wanted him to be worse than he was. When really he was just annoyed at Hannah being Hannah

Whining like a child "aaaaduuumb!" Total self involvement. Didn't know or care the baby couldn't digest whole milk and zero concern for the fact that the child is literally waiting on her to eat while she fans her cooch

LMFAO 😂😂😂 he needs to be in a fire then join a cult then get a Coke addiction in the finale to complete the picture

That was my guess.
He abandoned sample too and Adam is gonna be left as a single father making him realize how much Jessa sucks as a person.

100% agree!

Typo I'm sure