
Very much looking forward to the “outraged” and “heartsick” comments from people who abuse animals every single day, and for every single meal. Go go, hypocrisy! Go go, selective ethics!

P.S. If you support zoos, aquariums, and places like Busch Gardens, you are part of the problem / reason this happens. Animals aren’t

I forgot to mention debudding or dehorning, and other cruel medical procedures done generally without anesthethic. It’s so odd to hear farmers claim debudding (or calf separation) is necessary for the cows safety, especially because in India no cows are dehorned and they roam around without killing themselves pretty

Perhaps the cruelty is not actually the milking equipment, but all the other practices used by the dairy industry.

Using wheat (or corn or soy) to feed cattle requires growing and harvesting 10x more crop to produce the same amount of calories, i.e. eating animal products produces a tenfold apocalypse. It’s about reducing unnecessary suffering, not being perfect.

We judge dairy farmers out here in the sticks too. You don’t have to be urban to disapprove of unnecessary pollution and animal cruelty.

Assuming you’re talking about soybean production, I’m just going to be annoying and point out that the vast majority of soy produced in the world is grown for cattle feed. People aren’t mowing down the rainforests to grow tofu, they’re doing it to sustain growing global demand for beef (and palm oil).

Okay, so I can never understand why in guides like this, any death brought on a lobster or an octopus is considered cruel- but not so for cows, pigs, etc. Like it’s some weird ranking of “of course pigs, chickens and cows must die, but let’s just stick to those three.” I’m an omnivore, I try to eat less meat. When I

I struggle with this all the time. I am a vegetarian—can’t bear the thought of how animals we eat are treated. If other people want to eat meat that’s fine, but when those same people get so upset over dogs or dolphins or big game in Africa being killed I literally cannot understand the cognitive dissonance.

But they have. Domestic pigs are very different than wild pigs, and there are pigs bred to be pets.

I emotionally understand your argument, until I remember Charlotte’s Web.

Yeah, they’ve actually been shown to have greater cognitive emotional and processing capabilities than dogs.

I’m veg, too, but grew up eating meat until I really did research on the livestock industry. I agree that she could be doing a lot more at home to help animals, beyond just flying to Ohio in a private plane to see a mini-horse that she didn’t even get because it was lame. Yulin really is terrible, but the treatment of

They're really not that different than pigs, which are highly intelligent and social creatures that most people are happy to eat.

Yeah I know. The cognitive dissonance on that is kind of insane.

Exactly what I was coming to say. I’m a dog lover, all my pets are rescue animals, and I’m a lifelong vegetarian. I appreciate that Lisa loves animals, but this seems like an odd way to help. Lisa, what about the homeless dogs here in America that are euthanized every year? I doubt it matters to them that no one ate

Yeah. How is it any different from, like, Bacon Festivals?

Please tell me you’re vegan. If not, then I wouldn’t be going so hard on the puppy mill thing. Yes, it’s atrocious, and yes they are disgusting pieces of shit for what they've done to those dogs and that girl. But the animal agriculture industry does far more incredulous things on a daily basis simply for peoples

Vegan mayo and super-concentrated veggie bullion will do the trick.

Now playing

Oh god, I know. I call my diet “plant-based” because I can’t deal with people calling me out when I use maple syrup or honey if I say I’m vegan.