She is so amazing and beautiful and talented and fabulous and amazing.
She is so amazing and beautiful and talented and fabulous and amazing.
Maybe a tad OT, but this past weekend I trekked to Toronto to see the Bowie exhibit at the AGO, where I suddenly came upon his cane and crystal ball from Labyrinth. I just about passed out.
Grimes, I humbly submit the following for your approval. Will wear dresses, hats are negotiable. Has put up with robust games of Rock Band well into the early hours of morning without complaint - please to consider.
Thats pretty adorable. I have heard that Mariah Carey also asks for puppies in her dressing room. I want to be the puppy wrangler. I was a PA for years and it was always lots of water, beer, redbull and food. I mastered the art of the multiple cart shopping trip.
Ha! When the rabbit snuck under the bed and started beating his feet on the floor, maybe it was Morse Code for "Run away! Now! Faster! Never come back!"
Nobody wants to date you or return your calls? Women flee, terrified, from your bed in the middle of making out? Oh Dave. I don't know how to tell you this, but the rabbit isn't the problem here.
Theory: This man's bunny is actually psychic and is warning women away from dating this man. Excellent work, young bunny! Keep trying to scare them off, and if all else fails and it seems like they will have sex with him, keep running into the room and giving the "Danger! Danger!" sign.
No. Really.
I actually don't keep milk at my place unless I have a plan for it. It seems like it always goes bad the day before I want it.
(I feel kiiind of weird about making a joke about a woman who was probably a heavily inbred, mentally ill, wealthy serial killer sociopath, buuuut it is kind of Hollywood at the same time.)
If I noticed someone had tattooed scalp stubble, I wouldn't be able to stop staring. And not in a good way.
Jager will give you herpes, and tell everyone you gave it to him.
.....the sandwiches. The god damn sandwiches.
"mundane horror of male hegemony"
What is it with these women who happen to have the patriarchy as a part of their sexual fantasy prognosticating that the rest of us would love it if we HAD to play by their kinky rules?
Perfect, perfect, perfect gif. I cannot even anymore, what with the sandwiches and the Real Housewives and Just no.
I know, right? What if I have the flu, or I'm away on a business trip? Can I have one of my neighbors do it for me while I'm away, like watering the plants?
If Megan's story is true, I really like it. I'm all for people in relationships bucking what they think it should be like and instead working on a system that works for them. Having a non-traditional romantic relationship doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. There's no One Way to be married.
We knew Bieber was in trouble when he finished up the most recent Game of Thrones season and said, "Joffrey Baratheon, now there's a fair and wise leader who DID something with his life"
The ever increasing douche level of the Biebs' actions REALLY make it difficult not to anticipate his inevitable downfall with glee.