kitty fantastico

the market has spoken. It said “fuck United and all their bullshit”


Hell yes, and don’t forget the veterans groups, each led by a Native American woman vet, who showed up to protect the water defenders. Now that is fucking American. Fuck these corporate, fossil fuel, fuck-the-environment bastards.

This proves that activism; especially by badass tribal members, women, queer folks, PoC, etc.; fucking works. This is amazing news and I’m elated. But: we can’t get complacent. We still have to keep fighting. Keep donating to conservation charities. Keep calling your representatives. Keep being loud. Keep up the good

So, Austria rejected a far-right candidate and DAPL is stopped. It’s a good day! Let’s hope the results of the Italian referendum continue the pattern...and that this is a turning point after this no-good shitty year! (Louisiana senate seat; recounts and/or faithless electors, pleaseohplease!)

“The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all of Indian Country will be forever grateful to the Obama administration for this historic decision,” he said.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Yuge fallout shelters, the best, very classy fallout shelters! The fallout will miss us bigly.

Boycotting his show won’t make one iota of a difference. If you really want to do something, contact his advertisers and tell them that you will not purchase their products anymore as long as they support the Dr Phil show. Contact an advocacy group for mental health and alert them to this...

I was just going to mention Faerie Tale Theatre! I have really fond memories of watching that. There are some old episodes posted on YouTube. This makes me very sad, though—Dr. Phil is a monster, and Shelley Duvall doesn’t deserve this. I’m with Vivian Kubrick.

How about a boycott of “Dr.” Phil altogether. And throw Dr. Oz into the mix for good measure.

I sorta feel like this is the type of ostentatious luxury Trump was going for, and failed at...

Exactly! Look at this table!

you think Bruce Wayne wouldn’t own the company that has the right license Batman Paraphernalia? of course he would

I’m sorry you or anyone else has come to feel that way. :(
When I was a kid, we belonged to a health/tennis club. At 10 I remember being in the locker room and women went about naked in there like it was no big thing at all. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages would shower, use the sauna and hot tub, do hair and

Right?! I hope that woman is so confident that if she finds out she’s like “eh fuck it”

This was not a “mistake.” She deliberately engaged in this. It took multiple steps. Multiple indecent and cruel and deliberate actions.

yeah if you’re snapping naked people in your gym to make fun of them with anybody, you’re a complete and total piece of shit.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.