
I’m 5’ tall. I cannot reach the overhead storage on a plane, even for the smallest, lightest bag.

You imply that blended teas are inferior, which is not so.

You imply that blended teas are inferior, which is not so.



I’m so grateful that I can go to S D Bell’s and get excellent tea, from their lovely old fashioned shop attached to the tea room.

I’m so grateful that I can go to S D Bell’s and get excellent tea, from their lovely old fashioned shop attached to

You can get pregnant naturally with one tube and one ovary.

When the current uterine tenant is born, my kid will be six.

This is everything wrong with the death penalty, summed up.

Thankfully, when my FIL was killed in a car accident, the funeral home were amazing.No up selling, opportunity for family members to sit overnight with the body, very good quality cosmetic work after the post mortem so that he looked ok, all very dignified and caring.

Neither of my parents are even slightly observant, and they have decided they both want to go for immediate burial, no embalming, closed casket, Eco coffins, which is fine by me.

15 years ago, it was the Pink Palace in Corfu.

No, misoprostol induces uterine contractions at all stages of pregnancy.

That would be the Ottoman Empire for you...

Goodness those ladies have changed over the years.Contouring can do so much.

Hard to get enough vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, calcium and zinc in a vegan diet unless you use supplements, especially for young babies because they don't eat large amounts of food.

I can't be the only one who was all "yay for Alle! That sounds like an awesome job opportunity! Oh, wait, what? Nope nope nope." I can't deal with that website.

Wouldn't it be so cool if there was a story where Sayyidda, Graunaile, Jacquotte Delahaye ( known as "Back from the dead Red") and Cheng I Sao were all incarnations of the same woman, eternally living the dream as a pirate queen?

In my was a long, long time ago, and my first week at university...

Currently pregnant 28G bra wearer here.Pregnant breasts are very tender.

Coffee is coffee :)

Irish coffees are very popular in Ireland.