Tanya McMurray

Whether they believe what they are saying or not. Psychosis causes strong delusions and hallucinations and the person will believe that what is happening to them is very real, even if they doubt it on another level. Psychosis is a terrifying and consuming illness. Liars seem to only tell stories that actually benefit

15%? If you are going to be a sleazy arsehole at least leave a decent tip.

And they found each other, now that’s destiny.

I haven’t been there in years, Im a UK 18 and cant fit into anything there.

I love red but it doesn’t always work on me either, but Mac’s Cockney looks ok if Im having a good day because its slightly sheer and blue toned.

Are you joking? please tell me you are.

This is fabulousnessosity.

All the time I have been reading Jezebel I have never seen the readers questioning anyone’s story of racism or bigotry, rather just being supportive. But in this case everyone is questioning the sisters interpretation of events, events that caused her to break down and cry. I myself am in no doubt about Islamophobia,

I think someone knows when they are being discriminated against. The sister does not seem like a simple minded person.

How dare you! You nasty piece of work. You mention Buddhists, but I’m sure if this were a Jew or a black woman being discriminated Im sure you would have different take on it. So far as us ‘looking in the mirror’ she works promoting peace between young Jews and Muslims, what do you do to promote world peace? You are

Dear lord......had to be that police officer.....

A peado police officer? Im confused.

Lush do some nice lipsticks, but you usually need to put a balm on first, some hate the packaging but I really like it, they are highly pigmented and long lasting.…

I cannot even with this story. I literally sat there for a good minute with my jaw dropped.

That would make great chick lit, but hugs to you!

Oooh...I have never seen it put quite so well. I hope you don’t mind but I’m copying and pasting this to my FB page to see what some of my FB friends do.

Doesn’t surprise me at all as a muslim woman. I don’t currently wear hijab but a lot of my friends do and I do wear it out to the masjid or wherever. The amount of abuse we get is shocking, most sisters have just gotten used to it, but it used to really upset me. People are becoming more blatant in expressing their,

Oooh! Baby do you know what thats worth?

Stop moaning, all fashion is costume, but this is a look i happen to love. its all very 90's Londoner rock chick, just exactly the kind of thing i wore in my early 20's. I'm happy to see that this look is being done again and that queen B seems to like it too.