Tanya McMurray

Yes yes 100%. These tasks would be valued more if men frequently did them. Life runs smoother and happier in an office where people feel nurtured and are spoilt with lovely cakes occasionally, but its how these tasks are devalued and just expected that is the problem. I will never be the worlds most organised person

This article is just perfect. I completely resonate with it and I see the effects on my sister in her working life too, working harder than everybody but the man gets the promotion. This is why we need feminism, because we all need to be sitting and having a good hard talk about this! Why aren't these essential moral

Thank you And this makes me sick, people who are well off enough to be eating out at nice places but somehow don't see paying for the service as a part of that nice experience, just unbelievable.

Yes she has diagnosed OCD, part of her OCD is about being contaminated.

That's disgusting. It's absolutely criminal. How do they manage to get away with this? so if the server doesn't make their usual tips they could end up homeless and hungry. WTF?? (I'm British btw and didn't understand this tipping thing)

Oh yeah and sorry, for the comment, I just didn't get it, have read all the comments now, understand tipping culture in America and also now think that anyone who doesn't tip fairly is a complete twat and needs a slap.

That's disgusting. It's absolutely criminal. How do they manage to get away with this? so if the server doesn't make their usual tips they could end up homeless and hungry. WTF?? (I'm British btw and didn't understand this tipping thing)

That's disgusting. It's absolutely criminal. How do they manage to get away with this? so if the server doesn't make their usual tips they could end up homeless and hungry. WTF?? (I'm British btw and didn't understand this tipping thing)

That's disgusting. It's absolutely criminal. How do they manage to get away with this? so if the server doesn't make their usual tips they could end up homeless and hungry. WTF?? (I'm British btw and didn't understand this tipping thing)

Oh. I get it now. ta

Its not your job to decide what someone on benefits spend their tiny amount of cash on. Maybe that was the only time he got out of his house to see anyone and maybe he couldn't cook or didn't have the means to cook in the place he was living in. Most cheaply rented places don't come with a fridge or a cooker, you

Can someone explain to me please, do American restaurants charge the usual 15% service charge or not? All restaurants over here charge it and then usually you would leave a tip anyway on top to be nice, or depending on the place you are in. Well unless you are stingy.

The only dick fungus around here is you. You are so rude! I too don't understand how this American tipping thing works. Why is it my job to pay the waitress a decent wage? I am already paying for my meal and service charge. Anything else I leave is because I am a nice person.

A friend and I are OCD about food tampering (I waffle on about it in another reply) and stopped going anywhere again with another 'friend' because she was just so bloody awful to all serving staff, I mean unbelievably bad, sitting there spoilt princess giving commands and even raising her voice, meanwhile letting her

For me no not at all, one boyfriend I dumped part of the reason was that he was a crappy tipper, despite being a chef and working in the industry his whole life. He would seriously leave £2.50 tips on a £50 meal, and when I would put money on the table to make up for it would pick it up on his way out and then hand it

I don't understand the American tipping culture thing, so this whole article has me confused. In London the service charge is usually worked out for you and put at the end of the bill so if you tip more its a bonus, and many places don't expect you to tip anyway. To me it just seems really rude that you would pull a

I still want to hear more. I love a good horror story :)

What's the freaky obsession with knowing your favourite veg?? If you had answered potatoe would he have immediately said, 'ah yeah, no I'm not interested, thanks' ? Would cucumber be a 'sexier' response? All very odd.

YES!!!! Exactly what I was thinking. Aliens out in public pretending to be normal and shit before they go home to their little pods. There is NO other explanation.