Zack “CaptainZack” Lauth is usually known for his dancing outside of Super Smash Bros. For The Wii U, but in today’s…
Zack “CaptainZack” Lauth is usually known for his dancing outside of Super Smash Bros. For The Wii U, but in today’s…
Lol “Credits” is really the second button?
There are people who choose to get offended where no offense was intended and there are those that have matured to look the other way when clowns want attention or mentally unstable people do odd things. As a gay black man, I could really give a shit about “appropriation” or every other term your beloved blogs have…
It’s a fairly gray area from my perspective, depends how far you go. But first of all, let’s just get something out of the way. Racism is hating a group based on their genetic race. Do you start to identify yourself as part of that culture, even though you’ve never spent that much time within that culture? That’s…
He didn’t say “hashtag dab hashtag jakepaulers hashtag yolo”? He has a lot of work to do; he might be the worst ever now, but there are depths he can still plumb!
Did you know she has sent out a multitude of death threats? Even to the lawyer representing Imagos? Did you know after her family got her under 72 psych evaluation because she was sending death threats she disowned them and recently doxxed her own family?! Did you know that she mocked a disabled Tuber after he told…
I notice there’s nothing in this article about telling your child not to do these things.
Modern anime is 90% garbage.
That trailer reminded me why I’ve grown away from anime. Sigh.
There are dozens of us in Japan that love the Xbox One! DOZENS of us!!
Am I the only one that saw that Twitter handle up there “Gaijinhunter” and thought.. if that had read “Foreigner Hunter” in the US, that guy would be the most racist person ever to walk the Earth.
The mission was easy and adorable. Little Oaki was precious and the mission was super short. The shrine hands you its goodies just for doing it. I was caught the first time because I stood up to shoot the wolf after the lil korok and he saw me. I didn’t make the same mistake twice, and bam. All done. Little Oaki is…
My kid does:
I think your problems are:
100 hits sounds absolutely terrible for that kind of work. There are weapons in the game that don’t break, like the Master Sword or Zora Trident. You can get the Master Sword pretty early too.
I never realized that Ueda was so damn sexy. Holy shit, dude is FINE.
1. Life is Strange Chloe & Max
in order:
Max and Chloe from life is strange
Cindy from FFXV
Rajang Blademaster Armor from Monster Hunter
Sindragosa from WoW
Tyrande Whisperwind from Heroes of the Storm
Lancer from Fate: Grand Order
Morrigan and Lilith from Darkstalkers
Aqualad and Aquaman
Princess Zelda
Armored Sailor Scouts
Reinhardt from Overwatch
Dva from…
I love how people call it Black Twitter like it’s a completely different site or something. So is everything that white people post called White Twitter? “No, that’s racist!”(somehow)
Started skimming the article without seeing who wrote it. Such juvenile wining, I told myself ‘betcha Patricia wrote it’. I was right.