
The best game was Solomon’s Key, which was on the Famicom mini but we got cheated out of. :(

You ready to hate? The witch skin dropped for me 4 times. Granted, I grinded out 40 levels and bought 11 boxes. I couldn’t get much of anything else to drop (got Junkenstein TWICE and Symmetra’s once, that was it).

Does a ((protect)).

I played a female with a feminine name on WoW for six months and had plenty of guys offer to help me with leveling and gearing. None asked for cybersex or anything creepy, was just friendly interactions. I’ve played as female characters under an androgenous name and have never been hit on our offered assistance for

My kids love Brionne and the design has even convinced one of them to switch to Popolio from Litten as a starter. There are tons of female players that will love this design, and males too. I think people underestimate just how many girls in the 8-12 agree range are Pokemon fans. The nerds need to find something else

*looks at her pile of WiiU games* hahahha... SERIOUSLY?

RTS games? (Age of Empires, Warcraft) no.

Final Fantasy XIV. I really wanted to love this, and some things I really liked but the overall experience was painful. I wanted to play with my friends but it keeps forcing solo play on you, which would be great if dungeons, etc werent locked behind completion of the story areas. And the story was godawful. I wanted

Haha. Sounds like my mother. She’s 70 and knows all of that except Shulk. These “adults guessing game stuff” confuses me, because how do they not know?

I played games as soon as I could hold a controller. Some of my earliest memories are of playing Atari 2600 games like Pitfall, River Raid, Missile Command and Vanguard. The first game I completed was Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Cloudy Mountain on the Intellivision when I was 3. The game has terrific atmosphere and

It’s the same with overweight cosplayers. Forget about anything revealing, and even if you are totally covered, prepare for the fat comments. I was a 200 lb Princess Peach a few years ago during a weight fluctuation and was proud of my costume but all the comments just deflated me, even from kids. It’s a harsh world

I’m disabled. Not having a tracker means that I can’t really play the game in a manner that’s feasible and fun. The three step system was fine and when it stopped working, I stopped playing, until I found Poke vision. Since it was shut down, I haven’t touched it. I simply cannot walk aimlessly for miles to run down

This is a lazy “article”. id love to know more about it or at least a few more screenshots.

Am I the only one that’s not enthralled by this? Most of these are hideous. Giant noses, weird and thick Dumbo ears and a derp Chewbacca. Garfield is charmless and punchable. There i.s skill there, no doubt, but the final product isn’t great.

JRPGs used to be my favorite genre. FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Lunar: The Silver Star, Phantasy Star IV, Valkyrie Profile, Breath of Fire 2.. stories used to feel fresh and then suddenly, they weren’t anymore. Longer cutscenes, irritating character tropes and generic everything. Ive tried playing a few recent ones and end

The WiiU has exclusives. The other consoles... Meh. Therefore it gets more play than anything else. A console with games like Bayonetta, Splatoon, Smash, Mario Kart, Zelda remakes, Pikmin 3, etc etc is so far from disappointing... No one buys a WiiU for typical experiences, they get it to play Nintendo games, and it

Kids love Nintendo consoles. I would know. I have two kids and their friends all want to hang out here because we have a WiiU. They love Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Maker, Nintendo Land, etc. Honestly it’s the only console I care about because it’s the only one with a slew of exclusives. Pikmin 3, the Zelda Remakes,

These are ugly and complete rubbish. The warpaint is terrible and bulbasaurs line looks all lumpy.

Horror movies and games don’t scare me. But UNDERTALE? It messed me up, bad. There were some genuinely horrifying moments.

My kids play Splatoon, so do their friends, and so do I. All on the same account. The friends are terrible, but have fun , however my 10 year old wrecks people. There are tons of kids playing this game. Those noobs are probably 4 year olds, so chill.