I as a white person feel uncomfortable if anyone *but* black folk use either form of the conjugation. I feel white folk are not entitled to it. (We feel entitled to too much already.)
I as a white person feel uncomfortable if anyone *but* black folk use either form of the conjugation. I feel white folk are not entitled to it. (We feel entitled to too much already.)
My favorite favorite cookbooks are the ones from America’s Test Kitchen! They tell you what to do and what not to do (that is, what they tried that didn’t work)! Perfect for someone like me who sees recipes as guidelines.
I think cookbooks are good for getting ideas and/or looking at pretty pictures, but for actual recipes - hello internet
Earned their stripes indeed. I'm the last person to be a country music fan, but I love the trail blazing the Dixie Chicks have done.
I want to hear a country version of Put a Ring on It... Oh wait!
Huh? I can’t think of anything in this or yesterday’s article that wasn’t (correctly) characterizing her as being in the right.
How do you know when someone is a vegan?
How did they manage to pick the most bland names ever?
The people down the street from us used to have an American bulldog. He was so much fun! I didn't care about them moving away, but I miss the dog.
That’s a lot of dignity, eloquence, and integrity, especially for someone at a Republican candidate’s rally.
Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but…
All choices have consequences.
“Liberal lunatics”? Nice non-sequitur there. Also, I like turtles.
Every one of their songs sounds the same with that goddamn fucking Flea (?) and his goddamn fucking bass and their goddamn fucking voices. Fuck.
I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers with the heat of a thousand habaneros.
There’s also the bizarre decision to focus on the last ten years of Nina Simone’s life instead of earlier when she was, ya know, doing stuff. And almost every single review mentions or suggests watching the 2015 documentary, What Happened, Miss Simone?, instead.
this just doesn’t line up with prince as we saw him publicly. he never seemed out of control - always strong, confident, collected, witty, sharp. you never heard anything about him stumbling out of a club or anywhere else for that matter. i just can’t believe he was using drugs. it had to have been an accidental…