Me too. He’s better off with smoochy cows on his farm than commentating election politics every night, he’s living my dream.
God I miss John.
Don’t know if your local NPR station carries it but they have a show on Saturdays called You Bet Your Garden. Host is named Mike McGrath and he’s super corny but knowledgable as hell on all things gardening. He’s a huge proponent of organic gardening and very anti RoundUp and Miracle Grow. You might be able to listen…
Potato plants are really beautiful. Did you know the flowers correspond to the color of the spud ? I always try to throw in purple or red ones when I plant.
That’s great! Looks like you’re all set to mount your TV on the wall
Right? I don’t get her, hell Kim K. dresses better than her, I shudder when I wrote that. But seriously, that hairstyle is awful and she honestly looks like she could out bitch the devil. I don’t know why I have this unnatural dislike for her, since I honestly do not care about high fashion and don’t read Vogue.
Fuck zoos.
Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.
Oh my god! Who gives a kid a whole watermelon?
By the way, I wouldn’t call your exchange “fruitless.” It seems pretty clear that the Giants are more than willing to entertain the notion that the Washington team name is inappropriate.
Why is Dean Cain using plates in a pattern I imagine feeling at home on the set of the Golden Girls?
That is an absurd garment.
A guy said the same thing to me once. He claimed I looked older than 12. Looking back on my 7th grade photos...he was a fucking liar trying to use ‘she looked older’ as an excuse for his predatory behavior. So now I always side-eye that excuse.
I think it’s the glare but while we’re here, I’m going to address the hair. It doesn’t suit her because it drags her long face longer, but she will never change it to the balancing bob it should be because as a conservative, she cannot adapt.
Typical childless person.