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Bonnie covering Joni Mitchell’s Woodstock.

One of my favorite interviews - she’s the real deal. Not that anyone will see this.

Ugh, you just know that Mr. Peanut photoshopped that thigh gap.

girl, wear some fucking flats or one day you will need the cane indefinitely

I’ve seen this before somewhere...

Let do that.

ugly-ass pants that need to die in a river of hellfire and never, ever come back again to make us think they’re flattering.

Celeste Barber does it again!

their goal is to return America to the early 1950s

Omg twatwaffle is my new favorite word thanks!

First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love

and the quality is akin to forever 21 but for gap prices

There’s a filthy rich neighbor in our hood that has a Teepee in his front yard, he smokes weed inside of it. True story...

You do know Judy is loaded and gets over $45 MILLION a year to deal with the stupidest people. I’d be happy to make $45 million to deal with stupid people. In fact, I’m already doing it at a infinitesimal fraction of that.

OK, first off: Jessica Who?

Only commit one crime at a time. Tail light out? Don’t smuggle cocaine. License not renewed? Don’t have a body in the trunk. Windshield cracked? Don’t pick up prostitutes.

So, I guess: If your car’s got a bug, don’t have drugs. If your license is revoked, don’t drive with someone who’s croaked. If you can’t see where

Slow left lane driving earns your face a high fiving.

If you drive slow in the left lane—

*please pull through*

That is so hot.