
I just called to say I love you.

Well... at least she isn’t one of those I-don’t-understand-how-life-works commercial people?

Today in my yard I had blue jays, ducks, squirrels, kittens and my corgi. It was a good day.

Now playing

i cry a little every time I see this :’(

I love squirrels. I was just walking home from the grocery store and saw a squirrel running picking up food and then climbing a tree to eat it. I probably watched for 10 minutes and my ice cream melted. It was worth it though, he was a cute little guy. I also saw a corgi playing with a big husky and it also made my

don’t engage the troll.

Didn’t read the article, huh?

i don’t know if this matters, or if i’ll even phrase this well, or if i am even right in writing i apologize if i do not say it well...

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”

Carmen Electra looks reeeeally unsure about all this.

Yeah, that’s pretty much the entire fucking point.


“But I’m not just doing this for the art. The money’s fantastic and that’s something which I deem — and again, it is frowned upon — very important.”

Do not google “before and after penile implant”. Just trust me on this one.

I demand that everybody stop having children altogether. Children are gross.

Can we please also teach drivers that just because you’re going over the speed limit does NOT permit you to camp in the left lane?

World famous obligatory GIF.

Unpopular, indeed. There’s a chance that I’ve cursed you as I’ve tried to get down the highway while you keep slowing down and then speeding up.