
You're right. 'Company of Wolves' should be on this list. Also 'The Keep' 1983.

No worries! Out of interest, what's your professional view on Black Narcissus as horror movie then - sort of psycho/group derangement/gothic?

Oh damn, I'm a fool. I'll tone it down over here in the corner.

No, honey, not the musical act, the ring. ;)

A friend of mine and I had this conversation yesterday - he's getting married and his bride to be wants to have starfish shaped wine bottle stoppers. He asked me what we did for favors (he was at my wedding a year and a half ago), and I reminded him that we did the little s'more kits (marshmallows, chocolate, graham

I shall defend the costs of musicians! This doesn't go into detail about how many members are in these bands or even if it's including ceremony musicians. But if you're having a ceremony with, say, a singer or a harpist or something, and then a wedding band of 4 to 5 members for 3+ hours... yeah, it's going to be

the drummer gets to go through the buffet once.... ONCE DERRYL!

I did both and neither worked out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It doesn't "cost" anything. The price is up to the couple and their expectations for the wedding.

This is why I won't be having a wedding. I chose grad school instead. It has a better ROI.

I'm half Korean half Caucasian. I dealt with people like this growing up. My parents divorced so I moved a lot. When I was living mainland U.S. (Washington state), I was called a "gook" and a "chink". When I moved to Hawaii to live with my mom, I was called "haole (white) shit" by ironically enough, Koreans.

Yes, it's racist. Like, super racist. "100%" that "race or culture"? How can you be 100% of any culture, in today's world? ...or race? Everybody's got some mix in them.

In Asia's Next Top Model cycle 2, Japan was represented by Marie Nakagawa who also does not look 'traditionally Japanese'.

By this logic, only Native Americans should be allowed to become Miss America.

She's Japanese, and good for those that are defending that on the comment boards in Japan. Time to catch up with a considerable chunk of the world on this one, Japan.

Exactly. At least they won't have to burn a pretty blanket.

I think this is adorable, but it also reminded me of this (around 0:58 in particular).

I have rodent on my bed just as I'm reading this comment. His name is Sammy, he's a rat, and he is fucking adorable.


What is that little hovering black dot? Chipmunk, cute. Black dot, anxiety.