
Whenever anyone says “I could have anyone I wanted” you know they are delusional and you should very very quickly run very far away.

And it always happens around the time I flush the toilet. Coincidence?

That’s another issue. No one knows why you laugh either. Probably demons trying to escape your body. Probably the devil.

Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can’t explain it.

Let’s not lie here people. I understand we all want to be “PC” or whatever… But its time to get real.

One of my husband’s mentors was a dynamic, accomplished woman who was president of the securities company he was working for about ten years ago. Married for 32 years, two teenaged children, served on numerous boards and was just generally a deeply involved, connected and vibrant person. She ended her life one night

The New York legal community is in shock. Colleagues of mine who have argued before her said that she was an excellent judge.

You didn’t know Muslims were not Jewish?

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

 I don’t believe it’s a suicide. She was a successful black Muslim woman in a position of authority. That will poss off both racists and sexists.

Oh god. Conference calls are the art in wasting time without even leaving your office. Two jobs ago, I had a weekly conference call which I had to be on ‘just in case’.Another coworker of mine also was on that call and she’d come hang out in my office so that we could play a boardgame during the call since the calls

Now playing

My coworker’s office is next to mine. She came to my office to gossip for almost a half hour. After a lull in conversation, I ask, “Did you leave the radio on in your office or something?” She says, “Oh no. Conference call.”

She got fired for this and people here are outraged on her behalf.

Unfortunately, kids are way more perceptive than we give them credit for. Drills would help, sure but they are going to know the difference right away.

Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.

I hope this results in legislation that prohibits overbooking. Airlines should just be permitted to sell out their seats. If someone misses their flight, the airline keeps the fare and doesn’t get to make 2x the money because of overbooking.

I understand, but I just don’t care.

United’s response to this has just been awful. Amazing that they’re still just sending the “please contact law enforcement” bullshit deflection response to requests for comment. They are currently being crucified in the court of public opinion across the internet. Reddit’s ready to burn their corporate headquarters

I assume everyone who was defending United so vigorously during leggingsgate because “THOSE ARE THE RULES” will also have no problem with this? Rules are rules, people, no matter how ridiculous, right?

If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.