
As an Asian person I would like to say how frustrating it can be to tell people, yes we experience racism. And they’ll be like well you guys are so smart! And you’ll be fine.

One of my college roommates once grabbed me aside and said, “I know people can feel weird when others speak other languages in front of them - but don’t worry, I promise I’m not talking about you when I call my mom and suddenly switch into Russian. I AM, however, probably talking about Roommate X.”

My coworker talks on her phone at her desk in Arabic all the time and I’m 10000% sure she’s bitching about me to her mom.

Every day I hate Bernie and his bros more and more. The entitlement around Bernie and the DNC is mind boggling. That somehow a dude who has contributed nothing in his entire career to the democratic party is supposed to come in and get equal treatment to a woman who worked her entire adult life in the organization

Really makes me want to punch Bernie and his die hards in the mouth. Those fuckers gave us this because they couldn’t handle a woman being in charge. Pathetic, pathetic little man.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

judging him

We were at a drive-in movie and they kept running back and forth from the car like, “So you have to be a lawyer before you can be a judge? And then you can decide what’s fair? Oh!” *runs off dancing into the night*

The world needs more Jerry Orbach gifs. You’re doing the lord’s work.

My daughter is black, but doesn’t look it at all. My dad said she’s going to hear a lot of shit when she’s around white people when she’s older. He said he hopes she knows how to fight.

This is the pattern for republicans, over and over. The party claimed “moral” as a marketing term when I was a child. And over the years, I’m realizing that the way they use it is entirely external. Trump won, in part, because he appealed to this very specific type of moralistic language. He talked about banning

The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.

sam rockwell is my boyfriend.

Gotta be honest here, there have been teen boys that I have wanted to kick in the crotch all through my many years of life on earth.

She’s basically saying “I know JUST how you feel! This kid once pushed down my son at Montessori school!”

The funeral and the fact that Mamie Till chose to have an open casket was a really big deal. I was at the African American History Museum and they have a room that is a recreation of the Till funeral (ironically the only part of the museum where you can’t take photos). Walking through it I couldn’t even bring myself

Indeed, Schutz’s intention is largely meaningless in the face of the work. Schutz treats her source as simply an object; as a photograph rather than a record of a teenager murdered because he was black.