
It’s true that what she did is morally reprehensible, whereas what you did is not. However — the mens rea element of involuntary manslaughter is recklessness, not intent. Are you comfortable with the possibility that the state could have construed your words as encouraging — not intentionally, but recklessly — your

No, this kid would be alive right now if he chose not to kill himself.

As terrible as this girl is and as much as she may very well be a straight up sociopath, I still don’t feel comfortable with the idea that the State should be able to find somebody criminally culpable for somebody else’s suicide. In this case, I go back to the question of whether this would have been a crime if she

What she did was awful but this seems like a slippery slope.

I can suspect when someone is on the Autism spectrum because I have spent half of my life teaching students with disabilities. I’ve also been going to comic shops since I was eight. I’m also not a woman. Oh, and spoiler alert. People on the spectrum can be assholes, because they are complex individuals who are capable

I mean, what’s irresponsible (and what people are mad about) is less the bare fact that you depicted the act of suicide, and more that you depicted the act of suicide as a glamorous, romanticized event and portrayed it as effective revenge against the people “at fault” for her death.

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

I’m having a hard time figuring out the point of doing a beauty blog like this without a decent camera and good and consistent lighting. The difference between makeup products is often really subtle, so a bunch of grainy, low-light, webcam-looking videos of those products is really pretty fucking useless for

Who wore it best?


Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

Alternate title-

Not to mention the false Kitty Genovese narrative that bystanders did nothing.

Jeff Goldblum. Is it weird that I would bang him like bottom of a ketchup bottle if I ever had the chance?

I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favoritest take on the Citadel.

That 3 second clip is already more genuine and engaging than anything Jared Leto has done with the character.

Liam Gallagher