
i just.

“She lost someone, and people aren’t replaceable. That’s the key part of it - you can’t swap people in and out of your family interchangeably without experiencing loss. It’s an inescapable part of adoption.”

Wow, thank you for sharing. I hope that you and your babe are well and happy. It’s so healthy that you sought out therapy and were proactive about dealing with those feelings in a healthy manner. My heart really broke for you as I read about your story. You sound like such a wonderful and lovable person and, no doubt,

Thanks for your input. It places the whole thing in a new light. Does he look like he’s praying or guilty? Does he look like he’s in an act of repose or contrition?

what in the fresh hell is this gif???

damn, that’s cold tho.

It’s some Salem Witch Trials thinking patterns bull shit levels of ignorance :/

Corey? Tyler? Aiden?

LOL if they were white dudes they’d be totally off the hook with no issues and up to their ears in hookers celebrating this weekend.

You must not have read the article. He clearly empathizes with her suffering while recognizing his own. Being able to do both is psychologically healthy and psychological health is not a first world problem, but really, an issue in every nation.

You are going to be such a kick ass mom.

Can you talk some more about the issues of trauma and loss in adoption? Sounds very interesting.

what. the. fuck.

No stories about this with fathers?


What the hell. What cities are some of you living in?




I read that as Herve Leger and was incredibly jealous for a moment. Though I’m sure that Irving Helser was lovely, too.