Negotiate how, though?
Some of those “hate” statements sound like untreated depression.
Was it good advice, tho?
Yea, none of these seem bad and it’s really good to normalize these feelings if someone shares them with you. They only become toxic to the parent if they internalize and become ashamed. As far as women hating their stretch marks and bodies...some good oil can help that shit a little to help ease the self loathing.
Damn, gurl.
This is probably really one of the most gut wrenching things I have ever read in my life.
I hate that. What about all the years of sadness that’s piled on you for not having a healthy parent there to guide you during formative years. Where’s the empathy for that. :/ Such a lame thing to say to someone. People lack such understanding.
huzzah bitches.
It’s like your life is a studio Ghibli production.
Amazing. Like. Please make a blog about all of this and link me. I made myself a cup of tea and settled in with some pie and removed all the animals from the couch so there would be no distractions before I read your post.
At least that will make you shit.
this is the best post i’ve ever read on jezebel. please come back with updates.
that photo makes me feel like i did something stupid.
So what you’re saying is that you’re as much a creep as the man who made those comments.
How dare a pregnant woman display her body in a sexual manner.
He was super obnoxious about a ton of other things, though, so it evened out.
chicken nuggets?