If it were a guy thing we would have known in the 1500’s.
If it were a guy thing we would have known in the 1500’s.
Gawker is desperate for male readers. Jezebel already confirmed “squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity”.
it’s piss bro - no way around it
I can count on one hand how many times I have come from clitoral stimulation alone. I need penetration to orgasm, whether its fingers, penis, sex toy... I usually come from penetration alone, without any clitoral stimulation. You’re not alone!
I mean, I don’t know if this is considered making a mess, but I will catch my husband on the bed, when I’m naked, and drag my cooch down his leg and say SNAIL TRAIL really loud. It cracks me up. So in that respect, yes, I love making a mess all over him. Maybe that is me trying to gain the same “made a mess on you”…
I'm so with you on this. How can this even BE? Do we care so little about women's sexuality that this hasn't been worthy of definitive research? I mean, damn.
“...you pee pee.”
I hate that women feel the need to preface by saying they aren’t concerned about their orgasms. This is a crazy thing that absolutely makes men afraid. Like they’re the only ones who can make a mess. I know my partner would LOVE it if she could make a mess all over me.
One time I had a girl squirt in my mouth when I was going down in her. My entire mouth filled up with that fluid. It was very shocking but it didn’t taste like piss. I know what piss tastes like because I accidentally drank from a pitcher of piss at a beer festival one time. Someone had drank a pitcher of beer and…
I’m just amazed that we haven’t figured out what goes on here. Like seriously? aren’t we advanced enough to do some studies?
It is. There is no guesswork. It’s obvious and, for a guy, that is a nice bonus.
With my Fiance this has happened every single time. It is not urine. We wash sheets all the time. At the beginning of our relationship she was surprised that it didn’t bother me(it had with her Ex). I was like hell no, this is physiological proof of orgasm. Very reassuring.
Actually, I’ve had two women squirt while I was in them. The first was a small gush, but I actually felt it through a condom. The second, she squirted it so much it went through two blankets and left a wet spot 2 feet in diameter on the bedsheet.
Haha! Nice try!
I need to verify this about your wife.
The “superior” climax debate has gone back at least as far as Freud and it’s not going to end any time soon. That things have to be better or worse and can’t just be different sensations is unheard of it seems. Sometimes trying for something earth-shattering is clearly the best because you have the time, energy, and…
TMI story time
While this is a great guide, I personally hate the fact that once again, there’s a ‘fad’ on which orgasms are best. I’ll admit something here that’s a little TMI: I don’t have a g-spot. Tried to find it for years, only to have my OBGYN tell me that my uterus and vagina are steeply angled back compared to most women’s-…
Damn... 2 minutes, eh? Nice. Any hands-on pro tip for the mortals?
Wow, those Tyga lyrics sure do make ya think.