
Which video games and what console, tho?

My love for Pedro (and his lashes) is still strong to this day.

People who know cars. Could the car really catch on fire and explode?

Truth. I was and am still really bummed out when I think about it. The 90s were a good time for tv for Black Americans. I could watch tv and see so much more diversity on basic cable and that seems all gone now. I am forever upset when I find out how trolls like Martin and Cosby behaved off set towards women. :/

I thought it said, “Like you, Anna Kendrick is sick of herself”.

Wait, what?

Wow, she is insanely pretty. I’ve never seen a picture of her in her youth before.

The cutest.

You sound like an awesome partner.

My god. I wish the very best to you *both* and really feel for you two. I cannot imagine what that must be like, either as a patient or a spouse.

I’m super curious about how long term antibiotics can help deal with bad gut flora? That sounds really interesting. I’ve never heard about this before.

Very late to this thread but you seem super empathetic. It’s nice and refreshing.

Linda helped him write that song? Mind boggling.

I know I’m super late to the party, but this is the most apt description I’ve ever read regarding a rebound marriage. Please write a book. About anything. You’re a fucking poet.

We should all be suspicious of those who don’t like kitties and boobs.

Also how *horribly* they were treated by Martin on the set. I loved watching that show but when I read about his mistreatment of his TV wife, I was horrified and could never watch it again.

Curious, what culture?

Um...yea. And she had to get does that mean that he exposed her to possible diseases? None of that sounds like a particularly healthy dynamic. Hopefully they’re both hightailing it to a counselor.


I know a number of women in their late 30's and early 40's who have given up on men of their generation. They’ve restructured their lives (physical, emotional and financial) to have children on their own. Their “parenting partners” include family and other girlfriends (people who can pitch in with emotional and time