Jake Ballam

Did anyone else feel like this also may have been an episode lifting a veil on how deep seeded Gretchen's depression may actually be? I thought the way they handeled the introduction to it being diagnosible was admirable but also a tad crammed in especially the ending…but this, the desperate, manic behavior, I

If I may it sounds like your biggest problem with Rick is in the structure rather than the actual material. Rick was introduced a certain way and has had many different arcs, but the one thing you really can't argue is that they haven't been earned in the story telling. I feel like comparing bojack to rick is kind of

Also I think dating back to unity as well we've really seen what triggers Rick's spirals. It wasn't just that unity left him it was why she left him. That his charisma and presence in her life was poison. With him over hearing the family about how far they were willing to go with him despite it being truly toxic to

I haven't really seen this mentioned but the federation robot gave Jerry a medication he never asked for then told him his debt is 7,000 units or credits or whatever…then assigned him a job presumably to work off a debt that he never asked for. Essentially they had been back on the planet for 5 minutes and Jerry had

There's a lot of Carol bashing on here, and by no means is she perfect. But, her actions haven't exactly come out of nowhere. She actually get's pretty flushed out as a character in the pilot and if you look at what she's trying to hold on to from the old world she's not being that ridiculous expecting a prototypical

I was kind of surprised I hadn't seen much written about the Carey shanking scene, just because to me it seemed so opposite of so much of what we see in tv or movies about prison violence. The audience almost always knows before the victim that an attack is coming, We almost always see the knife drop into somebodies