The same time being an MRA internet douche became en vogue.
The same time being an MRA internet douche became en vogue.
Translation: GardenVarietyTomSeota is a bitter angry virgin.
The Stephen Collins backlash is still in full effect. While it's not necessarily front page news anymore, the dude still got fired from all the projects he was currently associated with and probably won't be hired for anything in the foreseeable future. It's not that anybody has forgotten about it, it's that they…
Are you a Bond villain?
You missed the part where I said it's not difficult to make money when you are already rich. I guess we should pat them on the back for not being pieces of shit that blew their father's money, right?
Well The Stewart/Lebowitz Family didn't directly provide the means to fund a political system they pretend to despise and allow it to murder tens of thousands of people
You can troll better than this. No one is even mad, we just think you're stupid.
I don't know what's worse with this story, the allegations or the responses from it that I've seen across the internet. I ventured into the NYT comments, which are at least moderated and usually somewhat kind of not totally insane, and even those made me want to vomit. As an educated woman, I know that this is how…
Kate Harding wrote a fantastic article about this over on Dame Magazine. It's worth reading but I want to quote one part that made me practically jump out of my chair and yell in agreement:
Coffee Mate is liquid diabetes corn syrup jizz. PASS.
I don't always, but when I do, it's because the pooping muscles were ejecting the tampon anyway.
I am a shit monster the first day of my period. It's the worst, because even after you go, it still feels like you have the urge.
I mean that statement was just so ridiculous that I threw my hands up and hoped that it didn't even need any response because how does someone who writes legal thrillers have no idea how the prison system works?
Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and…
They'll try, but the fact that they messed with a peer with special needs means they will get zero sympathy from anyone. This is serious assault when it involves a teenager without any disabilities, but considering they had the gall to do this to someone with autism who will be scarred even worse by the incident, I…
I feel like this is a good examination of part of the problem. The American part. But it's important to acknowledge that some African countries (Nigeria, for instance) have successfully combated the spread of Ebola. Most of the countries hardest hit are already weakened by civil war and shitty infrastructure.
I really wish this preemptive "cue X in 3...2.." meme would die. It's so worn out.
There are ways to treat someone who has a diagnosis like that, but it's complex, and can involve some intense medication and institutionalization. There are certain institutions that are specifically for those with criminal issues. I visited one while studying psychology in college.