
Oh, fuck off. You know damn well you don’t always fit them in right on the first try. No one does. Ports can be oriented one way on one computer and the other way on others. A stick can go label-side up on one machine and label-side down on another. If you’re not looking directly at the port, especially one in the

I would also like for the secret agent, upon getting access to the laptop to first try to plug in the USB, then flip it over, try again, then flip it again to the original position before it successfully plugs in to the computer.

I always forget to hand the next owner the repair manuals. I have a stack of 8 or 9 Haynes manuals under a garage bench.

Any time I buy a car, I buy a Haynes’. It’s not the best or most complete reference, by any means, but they’re always a great handy reference for the majority of anything I do. 

I’ve been in the same house, south of Seattle, for about 15 years. There’s more snow on the ground here right now than I’ve seen at any one time in that 15 years, and it’s still snowing, with more snow in the forecast for the next several days — maybe up to 10 days out. That doesn’t happen here.

Our house is at an

After today one of its hands will be freed up, at least.

I’m not an airplaneologist, but I’m surprised that there’s not a safety feature that checks for this.

My cats communicate with each other all the time just by giving a look. You always know when someone is going to start some shit, just by the way they look at one another. This is just another story of “Scientists prove water is wet." 

Hayden Gillum was also T’d up for filming a basketball game in portrait mode

What is the benefit of folding the windshield down if basically the entire frame stays in place? Sticking your head through the opening?

As far as I can tell - to sort 25000 dice we just need some heavy, artifacty video compression, then BAM, sorted. I have no idea what happened in that “video”.

If I got a job on the ISS, staring out the windows would be a bigger work distraction than commenting on GM is for me now.

As one of the few who saw the movie in the theatres (twice!) back in 1997, and as one of the fewer who loved every minute of it, it is gratifying to see how much it has risen in stature in the last two decades. Expressing love for it was roller skating uphill two decades ago.

said nobody.

I’ll just look up how to do this stuff on the internet from my smart phone after civilization falls to pieces.

We had to cut the seven minutes of me vomiting.