Kitten Z. McTavish

Look on my works, ye Americans, and despair.

Did your professor also have a string of pearls hung next to the article for people to clutch while they read it?

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

I wasn’t much of a Jez reader at first, though I did read a lot of the articles that appeared on Gawker, but now that Gawker is gone Jez has become my go-to place to read about and commiserate the state of politics. I think they’re doing a great job and have helped me wrap my head around all the stupid shit that has

70 million people voted for Obama in 2008. 59.6 million voted for Clinton (she still won the popular vote). Democrats have won the popular vote in every election since 1988 with the exception of 2004. Democrats need to find out what happened to the 10+ million people who voted for Obama in 2008.

Rural whites in

The thing that has made me saddest about Trump’s campaign is that it has legitimized these assholes and their beliefs. I would rather have Cruz as the Republican nominee...if only we could rewind.

Yay for Sam Wang! He actually has a job besides polling so he doesn’t have to tweet incessantly and gin up yo-yoing polls to keep eyeballs on his site.

Amen, but add to it that no one expects perfection from any of those guys anyway, but do from her.

If you haven’t yet watched Weiner, the documentary about Anthony Weiner’s run for mayor of NYC, please do so ASAP. (It’s available on Showtime On Demand, so hit up your elderly grandparents—or someone else with actual cable—and get on that shit.) I watched it this weekend and was mesmerized.

The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server, not from her investigation. They were not marked classified, the FBI is merely investigating if there was any classified information in them. There is no indication that there was classified information in them.

Comey is merely informing Congress that they’re

If there’s anyone in the world who has more practical knowledge about destroying the Taj Majal, I can’t think of who it could be.

Seconded. Sure, we all loved her takedown of Newt, but it was like seeing Alien vs. Predator. No matter which one wins, it was going to immediately turn and attack you next.