
@MerlotWinters: Actually, no, not many times. Something like 99% of rapists are male.

@schweppes: There is no such thing as having sex with a child. This isn't a courtroom; it's a blog. Call this despicable act what it is — RAPE.

I would love to see Latoya become a regular over here.

Weird, I met her at my brother's birthday party a few weeks ago (she dates one of his friends) and now she is everywhere (NY Post cover, Jez).

@morninggloria: That makes perfect sense. I'm sure no one involved intended to hurt you this way, and I'm sorry it happened.

@morninggloria: I saw that exchange, and I can say that it wasn't intended to be mocking you — this was clarified in a later Tumblr post. It was intended to show the sorry state of affairs of the healthcare system in America, as you so effectively demonstrated. Everyone (from what I saw) liked what you had to say but

@cheshirecounty: That's the one with Dizzer, right? "Wreckin' decks and gettin' sex!"

I haven't clicked through to read the article, but the above excerpt pretty much sums up my last breakup. We were together for over two years and then he ended it by never calling or emailing me again (or responding to my calls or emails). It was long distance at that point, so I couldn't just, like, show up at his

@schweppes: It is the subtext in every one of your comments in which you insist that overweight people CAN change and refuse to ask why it is so important that they DO change.

@KittenFluff: Or, if some black people had the ability to turn white, we should oppress those who weren't able to?

@schweppes: So if black people could become white, it would give us the right to oppress them if they chose not to?

@schweppes: Why do you care whether these people lose weight, though? Shouldn't our primary concern be accepting others as they are, not trying to change them?

@mervbaby: I've only seen it a couple of times, but that has been my impression as well.

@heavymetalkarma: Dating people like this is an endorsement of their behavior, in a way, because it says that you don't feel strongly about the issue to discontinue seeing them.

Sadie, I am so sorry this happened to you and I wanted to say that even though as women we get used to this sort of thing happening regularly, it is, as you know, not OK, and if you are feeling traumatized in any way it might be a good idea to speak to someone about it.

@pennycandy: You're not allowed to have tazers in NYC.

@tomboygirl: Also, I was very thin growing up and was teased for having a concave chest (to the point that I will not wear low-cut blouses to this day because they make me feel disgusting about my body) as well as constantly accused of having an eating disorder I didn't have. Neither have these experiences in any way

@tomboygirl: WOW. No one said that. Are you being deliberately obtuse here? Being thin is OBVIOUSLY a privilege, and a single example of one time it was bad for one person does not negate that in our society, thin people by and large receive preferential treatment. If we're not even starting off in agreement that thin