
And to all the people who are nitpicking based on what the girl “said”? You don’t know what exactly she said. You weren’t there. You are assuming that a) the girl remembers exactly what words she said, b) the girl did not omit a single detail in writing this letter, and c) the letter was not in any way edited before

Yes yes, because this is the Oppression Olympics and there can only be one winner! If you’re not being sold into sexual slavery, you can’t really say you’ve been assaulted! Give me a break.

I think a lot of women just go along out of underlying fear or thinking it easier not to make waves and then, afterward, when they have a chance to think and process, realize the damage done.

There’s a frequent (and ungrayed) commenter on Gawker who once rather graphically described repeatedly raping his wife — in an attempt to prove that society has gone far in what it calls rape.

Thanks, I will add it to my wish list on Amazon.

Can we do something about the “woman" references in the comments?!? She is a high school junior. She is a teenager.

Dear Abby: go fuck yourself.

Your concept of what constitutes rape is ... underdeveloped.

I read that this morning and was hoping it would get picked up. Worse than Abby’s advice are the comments, which are the standard awful brew of “they both made mistakes” and “is this worth ruining a boy’s life over?”. It’s sickening.

This situation is the one of the reasons why so many women don’t report rapes. They need time to figure out what happened to them.

There is NO question you old, brainwashed, victim-blaming, OLD broad. This was a rape by a fucking rapity rapist. Years of victim-blaming takes a degree of self-awareness that may be beyond her at this point. (Another old).

Every time I read something where a woman doesn’t support another woman who was raped, I just...want to close the door on the world.

Wait, though . . . why is no one talking about the fact that Michael and Dina are actually in the same room together . . . smiling???

I loved those little bubbles though. I wonder if I can order them on Amazon?

I have a friend from college who has a cat named Maeby (after Alia Shawkat’s Arrested Development character)

Girls on Film was written about her dual role in the Parent Trap.

Plus she’s always liked Wild Boys.

Lindsay is hungry to say relevant. Very very hungry. One might even say, hungry like the wolf.

Damn, I had an offer of a last -minute free ticket to see that show and I could’ve broken this story!!!