
I’m so glad you said something. I read that last night and was dumbfounded. Then those idiots in the comments chime in with slut shaming and “keep an aspirin between your knees” because apparently the audience for her column is older and more out of touch than she is.

It is?? I have to start reading again!!

It happened to me too. It took me years to admit it was rape, I couldn’t figure out why I was so mad when I thought about it. I passed out/fell asleep in the middle (he was not drinking with me, so he was fully aware of what he was doing).

This made my whole day.

What is wrong with the commenters over at Uexpress? I assume they’re older since they’re commenting on Dear Abby, but the amount of comments saying the girl gave consent by going on the date is terrifying. I’m glad we didn’t know what she was wearing, otherwise I’m sure the DA commentariat would be decrying that as