Now playing

my dad and I danced to ELO’s “Hold on tight”. It’s a quick song with fell good lyrics, as opposed to creepy slow dance lyrics. My step mom didn’t want us to dance to it as it wasn’t a slow song, but I knew something slow would be creepy so I won out. :) Plus who doesn’t love ELO?

I traveled to Europe in 1993 — at the very same time as the Balkan Wars! I was in the middle of it, in France, Germany and the Netherlands, a major player in that epic struggle for freedom. If the Serbs had found me, in Paris, they would have surely paraded my head on a spike down the streets of, I dunno, Lyon? The

In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.

This is why we need to teach critical thinking skills in schools.

anna, if you do hear from desiree, please let her know that there are quite a few jezzies who want to help by starting a gofundme page for her legal fees if that’s something she’d be interested in.

Male mediocrity being awarded is so common that it’s not even newsworthy anymore.

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

My issues with Bernie are fairly simple. Maybe if I were 22 I’d be able to ignore them all.

Real “white progressives” who have nothing to lose under a Trump presidency and supreme court. ;-)

So Hillary goes off the rails during press conferences and freaks out over Mexicans? She too refuses to rule out using nukes on Europe? She supports banning Muslims from entering the U.S. and runs around bragging and whining all damn day?

I always though their arguments were a little suspect.

It’s not unusual or blameworthy to let a nineteen-year-old drink at a house party you’re attending as a family. The mother and her vagina aren’t responsible for this man’s decision to rape.

There goes my perverse sense of relief that at least this guy wasn’t targeting women.

Blatant victim blaming. Nice.

I would like an engagement high horse, from which I can properly look down upon all of the basic bitches with their boring blood diamonds.