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Thought this was fitting, given the past year.

+1 “S-M-R-T!”

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I think you mean “Oma-gross-a”... (skip to 2:30)

+11. Extra points for “grin width”. I just hope they don’t measure that with the same device used to measure pucker.

Frack this shit.

You picked a fine time to upheave me, Lou Seal....

Both are excellent - I commend you for that. The more I read about gerrymandering and other tricks, the less I feel it’s a fair fight. I can only hope there are more like you and they inspire more still. Hopefully minorities turn out as well.

From outside, I would say educated observers view this as a Republican fiasco, compounded by Democrats impotence. I don’t think you’re all the same, and I empathize with you. It must be terribly frustrating to live through this and not be able to do anything (short term). I would be calling my representative every

Moore Always Grabbing Ass

This was excellent and I hate to question any of it, but I was genuinely surprised I hadn’t heard of the 8 for 8 weekend by Forbath in October. I think your source may be incorrect as everywhere I look I see he was 6 for 6 with a missed PAT. For example here:

Is Matt Lauer writing headlines at Deadspin?

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I loved these guys when I was younger. Have to say I am impressed with their new stuff:

T. Rex? More like T. Wrecks!

Any idea if there is a page to donate to this wonderful woman? She is now out $5k and facing funeral expenses...

Stand for your principles by not standing for your principals.

edit : someone beat me to it

Was she dressed as Santa?


You think last-two-minutes hack-a-Shaq is bad?

Too bad we are past the letter D for storms this year. Here’s hoping Darwin gets him next year...