
I can think of one or two reversible things that can easily turn the tide. First is moving a lot of the energy generation off world using orbital solar energy and beaming the energy back to earth. This system has a second benefit... if a constellation of such satellites are placed in the L1 between the earth and

We don’t need to give up an easy life for the life of a Bangladeshi beggar, what we needed to do was institute strict population control measures and free, highly encouraged birth control fifty years ago when people first saw this as a serious problem. I kinda agree that it’s too late now, but it’s not the “average”

Admittedly, that’s a tough argument to make currently with things relatively stable. But when the waters come for more people like they’ve come for our fellow Americans in Baton Rouge (and they will come), I think the tone of the conversation will be decidedly different.

At what point do we just accept that we’re fucked, and quit reporting on each and every new piece of evidence supporting the climate change “iceberg” right in front of us?

hey now, QUIT trying to raise the comment section's collective IQ by 50 points!

That whole scene bothered me so much. Star Wars isn't heavy sci-fi, but the lack of sci in a sci-fi-esque story bothers the hell out of me.

The biggest axe against it being an alien megastructure project is the fact its an F-type star. F-types only live a couple billion years, depending on mass.

The fate of trillions of beings depends on whether they purchased the Standard or Professional edition of Microsoft Project.