Kitsune Ikari

I’m glad I picked up the DS port recently. Gotta sit down a play it sometime

You made the correct answer. Neo Turf Masters is one of the few video games that me and my girlfriend can compete competitively (though I always come out on top). I even play this on my phone during lunch at work. It has a ridiculous amount of that Neo Geo charm we know and love and it’s dead simple. This, Golf Story,

The more I hear about DeVos and her plans, the sadder and bleaker the future looks. Those in Congress, who did vote her in are clearly out of their mind, and care only about their wallets.

It’s sad, but honestly, I’m not surprised by this at all. As a white guy, I have often felt offended by my own race. Just know that if you and I ever cross paths Omari, I would approach you not only as Pokemon fan, but as a friend. Take care, and be safe.