
Vision as well

Doctor Strange: “Uh, hello. It’s a cloak.”

You know who else rocks a cape? Lando.

Thoughts and prayers

They Lost that World.

Should have just adapted this.

Disney had “Touchstone Pictures” to release adult movies, for years.

It’s a schooner.

No, but I stared at the rocks long enough that I eventually saw a nice 3D sail boat.

Why does this reek of : The government wants to know more about this so they can weaponize their own version for soldiers or enemies.

Or am I just paranoid?

I read everything Tessa Thompson meant me to read in the scene where the other Valkyrie is falling back from her after she’s been run through. There’s intimacy in the anguish on her face that goes beyond mere sisterhood. I thought it was a brilliant bit of acting.

Ok, not a trident. Got it. It shall here to be referred to as The Shrimp Fork of Destiny or Pokey in informal parlance (slang).

Shameless self plug: I spent the better half of october working on my ofrenda:

If there was an Over (XX Age) tournament where I live, I would go. The reason for group specific tournaments is to actually encourage MORE people to get into a competitive type scene where a mainstream setting might seem less inviting.

If some of these girls do really well in their own tournament and gain the

Now playing

I think this one is a better mixture of music and medium:

I have the perfect pair:

honestly though? who’ll watch the watchmen?

I actually consider it a nice little bonus for the $$ I’ve shelled out. I get a completely acceptable couple minutes to sit alone in the dark and think about what I’ve just watched, rather than being hurried to my next thing.