
Then get the big budget studios to stop making the same stuff over and over...sadly they haven't really done much innovative in a long while. Sure, there are some exceptions to that but overall...what are the biggest games? COD, BLOPS, Gears of War? Halo? Skyrim? GTA? They're all sequel/prequel hell....

40 years is young? Sure, it's not as old as movies or music...but it's still been around for nearly a half century here...

I hear ya there. We actually waited until the beginning of Feb to get ours...that was mostly since we had thought at the time that Rayman: Legends would be out as well as A:CM...but we know how both of those ended up...

They will, not much to worry there. If a year old port/update of Monster Hunter Tri G can boost sales in the UK 125% and 3x in France? Yeah...I'd say it's about to make a huge turn around.

So much of this.

I think it boils down to Western Devs being lazy...most of the games that have come out lately? Call of Alien Zombie Shooter 47...what has a major studio done that was truly interesting or fresh? Seems even on the 360/PS3 (mostly PS3) the most interesting and enjoyed games are from Japan mostly...

The excuse? Money...what games are Epic known for the most recently? Gears of War...all that MS money skews the view...

I think the problem is that Unreal4 is meant to be scalable...they mentioned that it would even run on phones. So the excuse that the Wii U isn't powerful enough is BS. It basically boils down to Epic (with all their MS money from Gears of War) doesn't like Nintendo...

Yeah, it will be interesting to see what comes of it. Though, I have a feeling developers may be singing a different tune if the PS4/NextBox don't do so hot right off the starting blocks. It could be too late for them....Nintendo is like an elephant or mother-in-law, they never forget...

What support don't they have? So far it's only been EPIC and EA that have been snubbing them...

So you're saying that a smart phone is "next gen" just like the PS4/NextBox? UE4 will be used on smart phones and tablets...are you seriously going to say that they're more powerful than a Wii U? That's a laugh...

I seen the state of the US lately? I think it's fully possible that he could lol

Well, Epic is just being stupid with this...firstly. The other stuff? Well...that's all EA and EA tried to screw Nintendo over, that and EA really doesn't have a great reputation at all with gamers right now.

Correction "Won't be getting UE4 or Frostbite3"

Nintendo won't do that. They've been quoted several times as saying that they'd take everything and go home if that were the case.

Could be anywhere from a year to 8 years...if you're going off the presidential term limits...we don't even know when he was elected. So if it's very recent? Could be up to 7 years between them...

That is true, but from what I've seen nearly every game has something going on with the tablet screen, so I'm not sure if Nintendo is asking developers to include it or not. Maybe they felt pressured to do something, but I guess they could've made the case for not using it.

That is the common understanding out there. They definitely soured their relationship with Nintendo over that one.

Apparently you missed the part of the announcement of an all new Mario and the fact that they are making all new Zelda for the Wii U as well when they announced Windwaker HD.

You know...I think you might be right. Would be interesting to see the list of games and what devs/publishers were behind them...