
That's because the original release in Europe was 50hz?

No problem, happens to the best of us!

Yeah, that's what we're hoping for. We had the disposable income at the time and figured, why not? So far so good...but then again it's nice having a 360, PS2, Wii, PC and other things in the house to take up some of the slack...

Still...$500+ to just get in? Too much...I mean the PS3 didn't really move well at for only $70 more last time...not sure what the thinking is here.

Yeah, it would be nice to see. Though, interestingly enough there's a pre-order for Watch Dogs....but then again...that's who knows if it'll actually pan out. 3rd party support is sorely needed...and not just crappy ports either.

Unless of course there is a no record clause for classes at your university. Yes, some places have's not fool proof, but the reason is for stuff to not end up on Youtube and promote a freer exchange of ideas without worry of indictment by students...

Weirdly enough, I haven't paid more than $30 a year for XBL...and I'm loaded up for the next 5 years at that...sure it's stupid to put stuff behind the pay wall, but for the dedicated servers, party chat,'s worth it. That said, I wish XBL would do some of the stuff PS+ does like with the "free" games and

If they add voice support and all this fancy stuff like phone and tablet the spectator thing? can probably expect to pay.

The directors cut has much more firing going on...but yeah, it's not the entire movie.

You may want to re-read that...

Even though it's lacking games right now...I've been enjoying the living crap out of the Wii U lately. Sure, we got it only a few weeks ago and only have about 6 games for it...but they're fun as hell and it's unique enough to keep warrant playing every day.

My point didn't sell well at all across all three platforms either with Origin. Do you really think that it's going to do well up against GTAV.

Most fans have many games already...Zombi U, Black Ops 2, Super Mario, Scribblenauts, Nintendoland, Balloon Fighter,'s not a bad list...but there hasn't been a new game out for a couple months....but Ubisoft already had delayed the game from launch to "sometime" then up to Feb it's back to Sept for

Considering that Rayman Origins only sold like 1.2-1.7mil copies to begin with...the install base means nothing. Also with the PS4 and NextBox looming over the holiday season plus GTAV, Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD and several other games hitting in Sept 2013....what chance does Rayman really have on the PS3 or 360?

Oh, there is that...but the fact of the matter is that there are big games coming and not too far in the future. The backlash was probably more so due to the current drought in games...but that's not Ninty's fault. The games were supposed to be there...and weren't (well except for Pikman 3...that was Nintendo's fault

They actually said it in that video..."we're adding new levels, characters, bosses"....I can't be the only person who heard that from them...

The game was finished. They were siding with the fans because the only reason that the game was being delayed was for the ports. The Wii U version was 100% finished and ready for, they have to sit on it.

Monster Hunter 3....not big enough for ya?

They said in the video that it's free for all Wii U owners. Anyone will be able to play it that has a Wii U.

Ubisoft said all along, up until a couple of weeks before the games release that it was Wii U exclusive. They led Nintendo to believe that is that not Ubisoft's fault? Hell even the development team was seen in pictures aimed at the protest towards Ubisoft's move. Most fans don't give a rats ass about the