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Well, that's something at least...sure, having to play in the same room as the Wii U system is a bit weird...but you can take your mobile game and play with someone who doesn't have it...or just play with someone who has it for Wii U too...

I think that's why it lends itself to the social aspect of things as well...just like real life hunting. Many people like to go with someone else. At the same time though, many like doing it solo. I've loved the solo time with the MH series and looking forward to it on the Wii U in a couple months.

Forgot that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is also coming out on the Wii U for western fans, it also has connectivity with the 3DS version for multiplayer. Could be the tweak that makes it more accessible for western players too.

Living PA...that map of Steelers fans is WAAAAY off.

Sub only isn't a bad thing...I've seen too many horrible dubs that completely change the story or characters in my day...

I'm sure it's probably been pointed out before, but saying "You can always pop in the DVDs if you want the unadulterated original." is'll be going back to VHS for that in regards to Star Wars.

Subtitles are usually more accurate and in the case of anime, a dubbed track can be wildly different than the original script.

What you want then, is this

Depends on the state and kind of work in involved.

Who said it would be just one 2 hour movie? Could be several 3 hour movies...

$15? You must not drive a lot...

Well, considering it's been deemed actual Alien Universe canon by Fox and the creators of Aliens in that it bridges the gap between Aliens and Alien3...I'd take that as a decent endorsement.

Have fun with that, due to density issues you'll never really see this widespread in cities or urban areas. It's also nowhere near efficient to have a house like this and then a highrise next door that's robbing you of sunlight, etc...

Yeah, I'm really curious as to what they have up their sleeves for the WiiU gamepad...I have a feeling we're going to get the motion tracker down there along with some other things. Which, would be awesome.

One of the best and most successful arcade cabinets of all time is Aliens: Extinction. Which is a typical rails shooter...but holy hell is it fun.

Ah, the old Jersey "Road Hog" syndrome...I never did understand how figured that was alright over there...

My only problem with that is, not everywhere has great internet connections. In the US it can get awfully spotty in some places. I also travel, also does this mean that if the hotel wifi is crap and won't hold a connection I shouldn't be able to play either?

It's funny how that happens with older cars. I have a pure straight line runner that I received second hand. A 1980 Malibu Stawag with a 327 under the hood...sure it's a Frankenstein of a car, but every time I get behind the'd think it was a million dollar hyper car on track day.

Those old Si's were fun as hell! A friend of mine has one, with about 150k on it and it's still a blast and a half. I agree though, they have lost a bit. No clue why that's happened but Hyundai seems to have taken over as the mental, "what the hell are you thinking?!" company. The Veloster Turbo is just all sorts of